Source code for xls2xlsx.xls2xlsx

from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from datetime import time as tm
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Border, Alignment, Font, Side, Color, Protection
from openpyxl.comments import Comment
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter, column_index_from_string
from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image
from openpyxl.styles import numbers
from openpyxl.utils.datetime import CALENDAR_MAC_1904
import requests
from time import sleep
import os
import copy     # Issue #4
    import xlrd4 as xlrd
except Exception:
    import xlrd


[docs]class XLS2XLSX: """Convert an xls file into an xlsx file. Everything is supported except for the things not supported by xlrd, which include: 1. Conditional Formatting 2. Formulas 3. Charts and Images 4. Pivot Tables If this xls file is in html format, then we call HTMLXLS2XLSX to convert it. """ def __init__(self, f, dirname='.', ignore_workbook_corruption=False): """f is a url, filename, file object, or xls file contents as a bytes object""" self.dirname = dirname self.ignore_workbook_corruption = ignore_workbook_corruption if isinstance(f, bytes): self.contents = f else: if isinstance(f, str): self.dirname = os.path.split(f)[0] self.contents = self.h2x = None try: = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=self.contents, formatting_info=True, ignore_workbook_corruption=ignore_workbook_corruption) self.date_mode = except xlrd.XLRDError as e: if str(e).startswith('Unsupported format'): from .htmlxls2xlsx import HTMLXLS2XLSX self.h2x = HTMLXLS2XLSX(self.contents, self.dirname) else: raise ValueError(e) # Issue #3 except xlrd.compdoc.CompDocError: try: = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=self.contents, formatting_info=True, ignore_workbook_corruption=True) self.date_mode = except Exception: = None # completely ignore corruption that cannot be corrected
[docs] @staticmethod def read(f, retries=RETRIES): """Read from either a URL or a filename or file-like object.""" if isinstance(f, str): if '://' in f: # URL for r in range(retries): try: resp = requests.get(f) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.content except Exception: if r == retries-1: raise sleep(2) with open(f, 'rb') as t: return else: return
[docs] def xls_date_to_xlsx(self, value): date_tuple = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value, self.date_mode) if date_tuple == (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0): return datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) elif date_tuple[0:3] == (0, 0, 0): return tm(date_tuple[3], date_tuple[4], date_tuple[5]) elif date_tuple[3:6] == (0, 0, 0): return date(date_tuple[0], date_tuple[1], date_tuple[2]) return datetime(date_tuple[0], date_tuple[1], date_tuple[2], date_tuple[3], date_tuple[4], date_tuple[5])
[docs] def xls_color_to_xlsx(self, color_ndx): black = (0, 0, 0) color_tuple =, black) if color_tuple is None: color_tuple = black return Color(f'{color_tuple[0]:02X}{color_tuple[1]:02X}{color_tuple[2]:02X}')
[docs] def xls_width_to_xlsx(self, width): return width / 256 # to chars
[docs] def xls_height_to_xlsx(self, height): return height / 20 # to pts
[docs] def xls_style_to_xlsx(self, xf_ndx): """Convert an xls xf_ndx into a 6-tuple of styles for xlsx""" font = Font() fill = PatternFill() border = Border() alignment = Alignment() number_format = 'General' protection = Protection(locked=False, hidden=False) if xf_ndx < len( xf =[xf_ndx] try: # Avoidance for issue #11 (though I cannot duplicate the problem w/o the input file) xls_font =[xf.font_index] # Font object font.b = xls_font.bold font.i = xls_font.italic if xls_font.character_set: font.charset = xls_font.character_set font.color = self.xls_color_to_xlsx(xls_font.colour_index) escapement = xls_font.escapement # 1=Superscript, 2=Subscript family = # FIXME: 0=Any, 1=Roman, 2=Sans, 3=monospace, 4=Script, 5=Old English/Franktur = = self.xls_height_to_xlsx(xls_font.height) # A twip = 1/20 of a pt if xls_font.struck_out: font.strike = xls_font.struck_out if xls_font.underline_type: font.u = ('single', 'double')[(xls_font.underline_type&3)-1] except Exception: pass xls_format =[xf.format_key] # Format object number_format = xls_format.format_str if False: # xlrd says all cells are locked even if the sheet isn't protected! protection.locked = protection.hidden = fill_patterns = {0x00:'none', 0x01:'solid', 0x02:'mediumGray', 0x03:'darkGray', 0x04:'lightGray', 0x05:'darkHorizontal', 0x06:'darkVertical', 0x07:'darkDown', 0x08:'darkUp', 0x09:'darkGrid', 0x0A:'darkTrellis', 0x0B:'lightHorizontal', 0x0C:'lightVertical', 0x0D:'lightDown', 0x0E:'lightUp', 0x0F:'lightGrid', 0x10:'lightTrellis', 0x11:'gray125', 0x12:'gray0625' } fill_pattern = xf.background.fill_pattern fill_background_color = self.xls_color_to_xlsx(xf.background.background_colour_index) fill_pattern_color = self.xls_color_to_xlsx(xf.background.pattern_colour_index) fill.patternType = fill_patterns.get(fill_pattern, 'none') fill.bgColor = fill_background_color fill.fgColor = fill_pattern_color horizontal = {0:'general', 1:'left', 2:'center', 3:'right', 4:'fill', 5:'justify', 6:'centerContinuous', 7:'distributed'} vertical = {0:'top', 1:'center', 2:'bottom', 3:'justify', 4:'distributed'} hor_align = horizontal.get(xf.alignment.hor_align, None) if hor_align: alignment.horizontal = hor_align vert_align = vertical.get(xf.alignment.vert_align, None) if vert_align: alignment.vertical = vert_align alignment.textRotation = xf.alignment.rotation alignment.wrap_text = xf.alignment.text_wrapped alignment.indent = xf.alignment.indent_level alignment.shrink_to_fit = xf.alignment.shrink_to_fit border_styles = {0: None, 1:'thin', 2:'medium', 3:'dashed', 4:'dotted', 5:'thick', 6:'double', 7:'hair', 8:'mediumDashed', 9:'dashDot', 10:'mediumDashDot', 11:'dashDotDot', 12:'mediumDashDotDot', 13:'slantDashDot',} xls_border = xf.border top = Side(style=border_styles.get(xls_border.top_line_style), color=self.xls_color_to_xlsx(xls_border.top_colour_index)) bottom = Side(style=border_styles.get(xls_border.bottom_line_style), color=self.xls_color_to_xlsx(xls_border.bottom_colour_index)) left = Side(style=border_styles.get(xls_border.left_line_style), color=self.xls_color_to_xlsx(xls_border.left_colour_index)) right = Side(style=border_styles.get(xls_border.right_line_style), color=self.xls_color_to_xlsx(xls_border.right_colour_index)) diag = Side(style=border_styles.get(xls_border.diag_line_style), color=self.xls_color_to_xlsx(xls_border.diag_colour_index)) = top border.bottom = bottom border.left = left border.right = right border.diagonal = diag border.diagonalDown = xls_border.diag_down border.diagonalUp = xls_border.diag_up return (font, fill, border, alignment, number_format, protection)
[docs] def to_xlsx(self, filename=None): """Convert to xlsx using openpyxl. If filename is not None, then the result is written to that file, and the filename is returned, else the workbook is returned. """ if self.h2x: return self.h2x.to_xlsx(filename=filename) if is None and self.ignore_workbook_corruption: return None # Couldn't be loaded - nothing we can do wb = Workbook() # creates one worksheet ws = = if self.date_mode: wb.epoch = CALENDAR_MAC_1904 for sheet in if ws: ws.title = else: ws = wb.create_sheet( for col_ndx, info in sheet.colinfo_map.items(): col = get_column_letter(col_ndx+1) if info.hidden: ws.column_dimensions[col].hidden = True else: ws.column_dimensions[col].width = self.xls_width_to_xlsx(info.width) for row_ndx, info in sheet.rowinfo_map.items(): row = row_ndx+1 if info.hidden: ws.row_dimensions[row].hidden = True else: ws.row_dimensions[row].height = self.xls_height_to_xlsx(info.height) ws.row_dimensions[row].thickTop = info.additional_space_above ws.row_dimensions[row].thickBot = info.additional_space_below rows = sheet.nrows columns = sheet.ncols for row in range(rows): for col in range(columns): cell_type = sheet.cell_type(row, col) value = sheet.cell_value(row, col) if cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE: try: # Issue #5: Just keep 'bad' dates as float numbers value = self.xls_date_to_xlsx(value) except Exception: pass elif cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_NUMBER: try: ival = int(value) if ival == value: value = ival except Exception: pass elif cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_ERROR: if value in xlrd.biffh.error_text_from_code: value = xlrd.biffh.error_text_from_code[value] else: value = '#N/A' elif cell_type in (xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY, xlrd.XL_CELL_BLANK): value = '' elif cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_BOOLEAN: value = ('false', 'true')[value] rw = row+1 cc = col+1 ws.cell(rw, cc).value = value font, fill, border, alignment, number_format, protection = self.xls_style_to_xlsx(sheet.cell_xf_index(row, col)) #if number_format != 'General': #print(f'({rw},{cc}).number_format = {number_format}') if isinstance(value, str): if '\n' in value and not alignment.wrap_text: alignment = copy.deepcopy(alignment) alignment.wrap_text = True if value[-1:] == '%' and number_format == 'General': number_format = numbers.FORMAT_PERCENTAGE elif isinstance(value, datetime): if number_format == 'General': number_format = r'm\/d\/yyyy h\:mm\:ss AM/PM' elif '/d/yy ' in number_format: # For some unknown reason, 2-digit year formats are being stored # when the user is specifying a 4-digit year number_format = number_format.replace('/d/yy ', '/dd/yyyy ') elif '/d\\/yy ' in number_format: # For some unknown reason, 2-digit year formats are being stored # when the user is specifying a 4-digit year number_format = number_format.replace('/d\\/yy ', '/dd\\/yyyy ') elif '/yy ' in number_format: number_format = number_format.replace('/yy ', '/yyyy ') elif isinstance(value, date): if number_format == 'General': number_format = r'm\/d\/yyyy' elif number_format.endswith('/d/yy'): number_format = number_format.replace('/d/yy', '/dd/yyyy') elif number_format.endswith('/d\\/yy'): number_format = number_format.replace('/d\\/yy', '/dd\\/yyyy') elif number_format.endswith('/yy'): number_format += 'yy' # Change to yyyy elif isinstance(value, tm): if number_format == 'General': number_format = r'h\:mm\:ss AM/PM' elif isinstance(value, timedelta): if number_format == 'General': number_format = '[h]:mm:ss' ws.cell(rw, cc).font = font ws.cell(rw, cc).fill = fill ws.cell(rw, cc).border = border ws.cell(rw, cc).alignment = alignment #if number_format != 'General': #print(f'({rw},{cc}).number_format = {number_format}, .value = {value}, type = {type(value)}') ws.cell(rw, cc).number_format = number_format ws.cell(rw, cc).protection = protection if protection.locked or protection.hidden: = True tup = (row, col) if tup in sheet.hyperlink_map: hyperlink = sheet.hyperlink_map[tup].url_or_path ws.cell(rw, cc).hyperlink = hyperlink #ws.cell(rw, cc).style = 'Hyperlink' if tup in sheet.cell_note_map: comment = sheet.cell_note_map[tup] ws.cell(rw, cc).comment = Comment(comment.text, image = False # FIXME (after fixing xlrd) if image: image.anchor = f'{cl}{rw}' ws.add_image(image) for crange in sheet.merged_cells: rlo, rhi, clo, chi = crange ws.merge_cells(start_row=rlo+1, start_column=clo+1, end_row=rhi, end_column=chi) if sheet.visibility: ws.sheet_state = 'hidden' if sheet.vert_split_pos != 0 or sheet.horz_split_pos != 0: row = sheet.horz_split_pos + 1 col = sheet.vert_split_pos + 1 ws.freeze_panes = f'{get_column_letter(col)}{row}' ws = None if filename: return filename return wb